
What our clients say about us

The feedback from our clients and partners are incentives to always improve

Manlio Ciralli
During the lockdown and considering the number of branches closed, without nCore we would not have been able to work and we would not have helped the health facilities to find the necessary staff to deal with the emergency. Today and even more tomorrow, technology will be an extraordinary ally.
Manlio Ciralli

Chief Sales, Branding & Innovation Officer of Adecco
Bibop Gresta
The most advanced technology allows to accelerate the processes. It is for this reason that we have relied on nCore for recruiting: it is a tool that uses all the technological tools available in an innovative way and introduces the automation of processes, favoring the development of assessments and recruiting procedures even in a difficult period like the current one.
Bibop Gresta

Co-founder and former president of Hyperloop Transportation Technologies and founder of Hyperloop Italia
Mario Vitale
Luiss Business School is Equis certified, the most important standard in the world of business schools and the partnership with nCore arises precisely from the assumption of having the highest quality standards both in the phase of selecting students and in the provision of the various coaching activities digitally, which represent an important element of our value proposition and a challenge from a logistical point of view.
Mario Vitale

Business Development Director, Stakeholder Engagement and External Relations di Luiss Business School


What nCore HR recruiters say:

“A revolutionary idea”

“An interesting project, rich in features and extremely fast”

“User-friendly, agile, fast in executing commands and publishing. Also appealing to the candidate”

“Speed in screening, no physical limits, speed in exchanging evaluations with colleagues and line managers”
“Never seen anything like this”